Monitoring rare birds in the Te Ārai region of Auckland is an important part of conservation efforts to protect the unique and diverse wildlife in the area. There are several rare bird species that are found in the Te Ārai region, including the New Zealand Dotterel, the Banded rail, Fernbird and the Fairy Terns.

The Fairy Terns are ranked a 'Category A' priority for conservation action as an endangered species. Although DOC have a Recovery Plan, Love Te Arai is committed to assisting DOC wherever possible. They like to nest in a small scrape in the sand, making these delicate sea birds very vulnerable. 

The Department of Conservation and other conservation organizations work to monitor these species and collect data on their populations, breeding success, and habitat requirements. This information is used to develop and implement management plans that aim to protect and enhance the habitat of these birds and promote their recovery.

Monitoring techniques used for rare bird species in the Te Ārai region include bird surveys, nest searches, and bird banding. These techniques help researchers to understand the distribution and abundance of the species, their reproductive success, and their movements.

In 1983 the fairy terns at Mangawhai and Papakanui Spit were at a low of 3–4 breeding pairs. The Department of Conservation had to initiate protection. With the introduction of wardens and the fencing of nests the population was able to increase. 

The duties include: monitoring breeding attempts, maintaining fences around nesting sites, nest translocation, predator identification and control (including video surveillance), egg and chick manipulation, public education, and law enforcement.

Volunteers play a big part in monitoring and surveillance to assist the wardens. Contact us if you would like to participate in monitoring the Fairy Tern with us.


What we do

Pest control is ongoing
Fairy Terns in Te Arai
Our trees are endangered
Keep our woodlands thriving
We are a group called

Founded in our community, we have banded together to preserve and enhance the natural ecology of the Te Arai region.
As a group, we help trap pests, do regenerative planting, treat kauri for dieback, monitor rare birds (Fairy Tern, Australasian Bitterns), and remove plastic from our beaches.
We are involved in caring for Te Arai so people who venture to our beautiful regional park, beaches, walking tracks, golf courses, horse riding trails, and events can enjoy the pristine environment.